Is dictatorship the new future for the USA?
Edited and slightly shortened extract from
27 January 2012
RIP: Obama Puts ‘Final Nail’ In US Coffin
“We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honest men to live in.”
Yesterday, unbeknownst to the masses of the American people, President Obama signed away for the first time in American history the freedoms of all citizen’s of the United States in a charade so treasonous that their nation’s Founding Fathers, should they be alive today, would unite in rebellion and take up arms to defend themselves. This is not a statement based on fantasy, but rather fact as that is exactly what they did 236 years ago in 1776 when another “absolute ruler” tried to control the very air they breathed.The specific treasonous act Obama committed against the citizens of the United States was his signing of an “executive agreement” enacting a treaty titled The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement that forevermore puts them under despotic laws meant to censor anyone who dares speak the truth.
The “charade” in Obama’s usurping the law that says only the US Senate can ratify a treaty, not a President, comes from the complicity of the propaganda US media who praised him just a week ago for opposing what is called the SOPA Internet Bill, but which, in fact, was only used as a “cover” for his signing of the “executive agreement” enacting the more draconian treaty Americans are living under now.
By Obama now claiming that by “executive agreement” he, as President, can ratify any treaty he so desires should send shivers down the spines of every American as the next one [treaty] he is about to enact is a UN treaty that calls for the American people to begin giving up their guns to the government.
To those refusing to believe who Obama really is, his actions since taking office should leave no doubt and include: 1.) His claiming of the right to assassinate any American citizen he so chooses without charges or trial; 2.) His claiming of the right to put any American citizen in military prison without charges or trial; 3.) His claiming of the right to appoint to government anyone he chooses bypassing the Constitution; 4.) His unprecedented crackdown on any government employee found leaking to the press; 5.) His claiming of the right to start any war he chooses, again, bypassing the Constitution; 6.) His consolidating of all local police forces in the United States under Federal government control; and 7.) His claiming of the power to strip away the citizenship of any American citizen he so chooses.
So frightening has Obama become that Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin yesterday accused America of wanting to “control everything in the world” and warned them he wouldn’t tolerate their interference in his countries upcoming elections.
Now at this point it is vital for you to understand that Obama is not an enemy of the American people, he is just a “tool” being wielded by those forces and powerful money backers that put him into office in the first place. And to understand why the University of California and the global banking giant Goldman Sachs were his two top campaign donors is to know virtually everything about him.
Failed to be understood by many, the tyrannical powers of the new government system being established in the United States are not and never were intended to be for Obama’s use, but, instead, have been designed for who is going to rule next.
For anyone to believe that the American people, or press, especially those on the left, would have ever allowed George W. Bush to destroy the Constitution like Obama has done (though in all fairness Bush did begin the process as he was nothing more than a “tool” too) and create an Imperial President with unlimited power they fail to understand the most important lesson of history…Dictators never seize power…they are always elected!
And dictators can’t become tyrannical rulers unless the laws that allow them to take power have already been put into place…like was done in Roman times, prior to Napoleon taking power in France, prior to the founding of the Communist Soviet Union, and Fascist Italy, and Nazi Germany, and the Japanese Empire, and now the United States.
As to whom will be the next American leader to wield this despotic power, it is a chapter yet to be written, but which has already begun. And to know about this person, why they were put into power, and what is the main goal for it being done, doesn’t take psychic powers or a crystal ball, it only takes knowing what to look for through the pages of history as what is happening now has happened before, but this time will be the most destructive.
Labels: Obama, Presidential powers